Por siglos la fiesta del corpus se celebro en Castropol preparando alfombras florales para el paso de la procesion. Tradicionalmente estas alfombras eran simples extenciones de espadana con bordes de flores, pero con el correr de los an~os los disen~os se fueron complicando y hoy la fiesta se celebra con alfombras florales que son verdaderas muestras de arte. Este esfuerzo fruto de la exprecion de fe del pueblo le ha valido a Castropol la admiracion de toda Asturias y la zona oriental de Galicia, desde donde cada an~o se desplazan las gentes para disfrutar de la fiesta.
Big party, getting rid of suplus tomatoes. Messy & out of control in the best sort of way.
Big party, getting rid of suplus tomatoes. Messy & out of control in the best sort of way.
List of Basque Fiestas.
See: http://www.come.to/jaiak
Enjoy our Fiesta in the suthwest of Spain. Celebrate the Discovery of America in the native land of Cristobal Colon, Huelva.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
On the eve and actual day of this Saint (17th January) there are 'foguerons' (bonfires) in many parts of Mallorca, with the additional participation of 'demons'. One traditional activity involves the placing of the 'Pi de Sant Antoni' a greased pole with a cock placed at the top, over which the youths of Pollensa compete.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
San Sebastian/Donostia, capital of the province of Guipuzkoa, has an important marching to the deafening sounds of drums, groups of drummers parade through the city on the night of the 19th of January. The next morning, day of the Patron Saint of the city, the 'Tamborrada Infantil' (Child Drummer's Ceremony) is celebrated.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
At the picturesque village in the Province of Segovia those celebrations go back to a very ancient origin. The famous governor's wives - who serve as stewards during the religious celebrations - dressed in sumptuous gowns from the 12th century and carrying the scepter of authority lead the procession of Saint Agueda followed by married women who are dressed in farm clothes, and later attend a banquet in which the priest is the only male present. The celebration is ended with the ancient 'Baile de Rueda' (Wheel Dance).
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
A popular feast with some kind of cheeses. Actually, the feast is by the morning and at night there are some nice concerts, free!! It is celebrated all the years the first Sunday of March.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
The Procession during the holy week in Valladolid are very well known by the austerity which is typical in Castille and the extremely beautiful sculptures of Berrugute, among other famous image scultors.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
Murcia is famous for its very colourful processions which rank among the best in Spain.
Two main features play a basic role in Murcia Processions: The Huerta (the agriculture structure of it society) and the Baroque imagery (being Salzillo and modern Gonzalez Moreno one of the two paradigmatic examples). The important impact of the baroque, and the long standing tradition of some Confraternities, make specially for two procession "Los Coloros" or El Cristo de la Sangre (back to the XVth Century) on the evening of Holy Wednesday and the Salzillo or the one on the early morning of Good Friday, or El Cristo del Perdon, one of the two best processions in the Region of Murcia.
Besides the city of Murcia accounts also for extraordinary defiles on Monday and Tuesday evening as well as the "Procesion del Silencio" at midnight on Holy Thursday when all the lights are dimmed and silence is total.
The main repercusion of Murcia's processions are its impact in all the Region. Many interesting defiles, practically in all the villages add their one creativity: The Biblical defiles of LORCA (with extraordinary embroderies and the splendid 'Blanco' and 'Azules" fraternities), The extremely well organized processions of CARTAGENA (Marrajos and Californios) or the colourful defiles of CIEZA, ABARAN, BLANCA or YECLA.
This fact is, more or less, also reproduced in many other cities and Autonomous Communities, where the local creativity of every region adds a touch of extremely rich variety and local personality.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
The austerity and beautiful serenity of the Holy week celebration in Zamora are very well known all over Spain. The extremely serious celebrations of Zamora are an important constrast with the features of other spanish regions all over the country, south, east or north.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
In all four corners of Spain, length and breadth of the country there are thousands of processions, some of international repute, others strictly local.
In Andalusia, they hired musicians, and paid local craftsmen for the work of months or years on ostentatious standards, costumes, capes and robes.
The colourful features of Malaga procession make them amoung the best known in the south of Spain, and are also reproduced - in a way - in the villages and towns around the capital of Malaga.
See: http://www.columbus-digital.com/laguia
Is one of the greatest processions in the whole of Spain. Very well know for the spectacular beauty of its images and their popularity among Sevillanos, Andaluces and the whole country.
La Macarena, El Cristo del Gran Poder, are among the many other very popular devotions of this important Procession, whose confraternities reassembled many aspects of the urban life and the crafts and job of the Sevillanos.
Their long standing tradition and the beauty of the places where the Processions pass through rank those events among the greatest procession all over Spain.
This is reflected in the fact that more than 50 brotherhoods march in processions following an offical route from the popular Plaza de la Campana along the picturesque Sierpes Street, traveling before the Plateresque Twon Hallbuilding, and after going through the Gothic Cathedral, until they end up before the Giralda tower and the Baroque Bishop's palace.
The religious images are the work of artists of genius, such as Roldan, Juan de Mena and Martinez Montanes.
See: http://www.andal.es/SevillaSanta96
Starting with the feast of the Holy Christ, in Valverde del Jucar (Cuenca) in January and ending with the "Moorish King" in Agost (Alicante) in December, almost one hundred and fifty celebrations of "Moors and Christians" take place overt the length and breadth of the country.
The most traditional are in Alcoy with its battles, processions, displays, speeches, plays and dances. The majority are found in Alicante where the festivities become livelier and more numerous as the days pass.
As early as the 17th Century groups of Moors and Christians drive through the town accompanied by noisy bands, after which a battle ensures and amongst the most characteristic parts are the deployment of guerrillas, the Moorish embassy, the battle of musketry, the Christian embassy and the final battle with the triumph of the followers of the Cross, who surround the Moors and defeat them. Everything goes on amidst the noise of fireworks and the ringing of bells.
See: http://www.andal.es/SevillaSanta96
Starting with the feast of the Holy Christ, in Valverde del Jucar (Cuenca) in January and ending with the "Moorish King" in Agost (Alicante) in December, almost one hundred and fifty celebrations of "Moors and Christians" take place overt the length and breadth of the country.
The most traditional are in Alcoy with its battles, processions, displays, speeches, plays and dances. The majority are found in Alicante where the festivities become livelier and more numerous as the days pass.
As early as the 17th Century groups of Moors and Christians drive through the town accompanied by noisy bands, after which a battle ensures and amongst the most characteristic parts are the deployment of guerrillas, the Moorish embassy, the battle of musketry, the Christian embassy and the final battle with the triumph of the followers of the Cross, who surround the Moors and defeat them. Everything goes on amidst the noise of fireworks and the ringing of bells.
See: http://www.andal.es/SevillaSanta96
This is a special day when Crosses of flowers are set up, in little altars, all around the picturesque village of Cieza. From the Asuncion Chruch, an interesting building from the XVIIth century, comes out a sort of a procession which circles the village around the altars.
The 'stations' traditionally prepared by the people of the village, are full with flowers from the fertile 'vega del Segura'. Many crosses are decorated but the most important is the bringing to the village, from the Ermita of the "Santo Cristo del Coonsuelo" which also participates, in this way, of the celebrations of the "Dia de la Cruz".
See: http://www.andal.es/SevillaSanta96
This celebration commemorates the race of the horse-divers of Atienza in 1162 to free King Alfonso VII from the power of his uncle Fernando II of Leon who wanted to take the throne away from him. The members of the brotherhood, wearing long capes and black hats, ride on mules through the town preceded by bagpipe players, the standard bearer, the abbot, the brotherhood steward, the choirboys and the administrator, until they reach the hermitage of the Estrella where they attend a mass followed by a procession and brotherhoon dinner. Everyone returns in the afternoon and after crosing the twon, the members compete in wild races around the Puerta del Caballo. Finally, a new Elder Brother is elected in front of the Church of the Trinity.
See: http://www.andal.es/SevillaSanta96
A typical out door event, in which a Saint, San Isidro, very much connected to the agricultural familly is celebrated and remebered
See: http://www.andal.es/SevillaSanta96
the bull running takes place every morning of the festival at 6a.m not just on the first day of the festival like u put in your description about san fermin on the internet site.
See: http://www.spaincom.com/navarra/textos/sanferm.html
Celebration of PatronSaint of Spain. Fireworks, parades, televised mass. National holiday.
See: http://www.spaincom.com/navarra/textos/sanferm.html
Festivities in relation with the Autnomous community of Asturias, where the Principado is the title of the Heir of the Spanish Throne.
See: http://www.spaincom.com/navarra/textos/sanferm.html
This extraordinary region/frontier at the south east of the peninsula, between the north and the south of the Mediterranean shores, has such a personality that gathers, during those three days the songs, traditions, dances, dresses and general folklore of many mediterranean cultures, peoples and regions.
Music, plays, traditions and present facts are gathered in this unique and splendid Festival.
See: http://www.spaincom.com/navarra/textos/sanferm.html
Students on the feast of the bulls they buy a bull and out of the blood of the bulls, once the corrida is finished, they write the name of their weel beloved it teachers names on the wall of the University. It is understood that iot is like this still on these days...but you better checked.
See: http://www.spaincom.com/navarra/textos/sanferm.html
Les festes de Santa Tecla, festa major de Tarragona se celebran cada any al voltant dels dies 22, 23 i 24 de setembre, responent al model festiu tradicional del Camp de Tarragona i del Penedès, on el seguici popular i els castells són els elements associatius i identificatius de la col.lectivitat i l'eix vertebrador de la festa. The bigest fiestas in Tarragona. They are celebrated around 22, 23 y 24 of september. They are a festive model from the Tarragona area where the popular service y and the human towers are the elements which can identified the above mentioned Fiesta
See: hhtp://www.fut.es/~ajtargna
Harvesting festivities of one of the most reknown wine regions in Spain. The Rioja is the center of a very important wine culture.
See: hhtp://www.fut.es/~ajtargna
Harvesting festivities of one of the most reknown wine regions in Spain. The Rioja is the center of a very important wine culture.
See: hhtp://www.fut.es/~ajtargna
GFestividades de la tarona de Espana
See: hhtp://www.fut.es/~ajtargna
De origenes inciertos, ya que existen varias hipotesis sobre sus comienzos, El Desarme, que se celebra en la ciudad de Oviedo, es una de las manifestaciones gastronomicas mas populares y con mayor arraigo del Principado de Asturias.
Desde el siglo pasado, cada 19 de octubre los ovetenses celebran la fiesta gastronomica de El Desarme degustando unos deliciosos "garbanzos con espinacas al estilo de Oviedo".
Para sorpresa de los turistas y forasteros que en esa fecha llegan a la capital del Principado, todos los restaurantes y casas de comidas ofrecen ese dia casi unicamente el menu de El Desarme, que ademas de los garbanzos con espinacas, puede incluir de segundo plato una buena carne gobernada y, de postre, unos "frixuelos" (crepes asturianos) o unos carbayones, pasteles a base de almendra tipicos de Oviedo.
See: http://www.ayto-oviedo.es/
Before moving into the Christmas period, the festive calendar ends on the 8th of December with the Immaculate Conception.
Among the celebrations in her honour are bringin out her image and returning it to the shrine of the castle, traditional mass ('Misa de Pajes') and movement of flags in Yecla (Murcia) takes place.
See: http://www.ayto-oviedo.es/
Nativity plays are very widespread especially in Catalonia where they are called 'pessebres' (crib-performance) or 'pastorests' (shepherd plays) and acted out by the local townspeople. One of the better-known 'pessebres' takes place in Corbera de Llobregat (Barcelona)
See: http://www.crowsite.net/cultura/pessebre/index.htm
Preparations for Christmas take the form of morning chorouses and the 'Cant de San Sibilla' throughout the south of France, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Corsica, was abolished by the Trento Council. Nevertheless, the Bishop of Mallorca decided to allow it to take place, hence its preservation.
See: http://www.crowsite.net/cultura/pessebre/index.htm
At the origins of these Christmas and other celebrations comemmorating the birth of Christ, Andres Pardos, director of the National Liturgical Secretariat, stated in an article published in the newspaper 'Ya" in 1982 that the '25th December was chosen for Christmas for ideological reasons, with the purpose being to combat the pagan sun festival held on the same day. This feast-day has its origins in Egypt. From Rome it moved to Africa, northern Italy, Spain at the end of the fourth century'.
Also in the early hours of the 25th of December, in Murcia, the 'campanas de auroras' (dawn bells) group 'los Auroro' mainly coming our from the farms arround the 'huertas of Murcia' perform their ancient and sober compositions.
See: http://www.crowsite.net/cultura/pessebre/index.htm
During the period between Christmas Day and the end of the year, several noteworthy celebrations take place, such as the meeting or 'clash' on the 28th December between bands from the hills of the province of Malaga (known in Spanish as 'verdiales') in the country inn of Tunel, eight kilometers away from the provincial capital. Also celebrated on this date, which commemorates the Massacre of the Holy Innocents by Herod, were the 'Festival of Fools and Little Bishops' several traces of which are apparent today.
See: http://www.crowsite.net/cultura/pessebre/index.htm
On the day of the Holy Innocents, 'Els Enfarinats' (men with flour-caked faces) go through the streets with their duly chosen mayor, who assumes municipal power for the day. These flour-caked figures dress in a slovenly manner and go around the banks and shops imposing fines. In the evening 'Els Tapats' -unrecognizable masked figures- make an appearance. Later the franks and biting bands of 'els enfarinats', criticising local people and institutions, are read out.
See: http://www.crowsite.net/cultura/pessebre/index.htm
On the day of the Holy Innocents, 'Els Enfarinats' (men with flour-caked faces) go through the streets with their duly chosen mayor, who assumes municipal power for the day. These flour-caked figures dress in a slovenly manner and go around the banks and shops imposing fines. In the evening 'Els Tapats' -unrecognizable masked figures- make an appearance. Later the franks and biting bands of 'els enfarinats', criticising local people and institutions, are read out.
See: http://www.riasbaixas.org
This is a Fiesta which celebrates the traditional cattle fair of the town. Several families gather together to "dress" a "Vaquilla". It consists of a frame of wood decorated with scarfs of many different colors. Young boys and children dressed in the ancient peasant costume run along the streets with their "Vaquillas". They finally arrive at the Main Square. There they dance some typical dances and afterwards a jury decides which is the best "Vaquilla" of all. Then some food and drinks are served to the people that gather in the square to take part in the fiesta.
See: http://www.riasbaixas.org
This is a Fiesta which celebrates the traditional cattle fair of the town. Several families gather together to "dress" a "Vaquilla". It consists of a frame of wood decorated with scarfs of many different colors. Young boys and children dressed in the ancient peasant costume run along the streets with their "Vaquillas". They finally arrive at the Main Square. There they dance some typical dances and afterwards a jury decides which is the best "Vaquilla" of all. Then some food and drinks are served to the people that gather in the square to take part in the fiesta.
See: http://www.riasbaixas.org
Ole,ole,ole ole ole ole ole ole ole..... a Rocio yo quiero volver!
See: http://www.riasbaixas.org
But the most famous Festival in the city is celebrated on the 29th June - the day of San Pedro, which has been declared of tourist interest. During this Festival the famous "Wine Battle" takes place in the Riscos de Bilibio. Around midday, after the battle, the townspeople go back to the city and do the rounds in La Paz square. Finally young steers are let loose in the square.
See: http://www.haro.org/e07marco.htm
Club de Ejecutivos, desde las 9 p.m. No te la pierdas. Sensalcionales rifas. Tendremos orquesta, comida, trago... Reune tu combo, tu promoción y disfruta un momento inolvidable. VIERNES 27 DE NOVIEMBRE
See: http://ingequim.norma.net
holidays,,,,and regional celebrations,,,,,festivles
See: http://ingequim.norma.net
Its regional origins are doubtful and its history pagan. Carnival is celebrated everywhere in Spain. Santa Cruz de Tenerife holds what many see as the "ultimate" Carnival, with its flagrant procession, "Brazilian-styled", fancy-dress parades, and groups of street musicians, all reaching a climax in the "arena" on the Tuesday.
See: http://www.cistia.es/carnavaltenerife/
Its regional origins are doubtful and its history pagan. Carnival is celebrated everywhere in Spain. Santa Cruz de Tenerife holds what many see as the "ultimate" Carnival, with its flagrant procession, "Brazilian-styled", fancy-dress parades, and groups of street musicians, all reaching a climax in the "arena" on the Tuesday.
See: [email protected]
Just before spring, everything negative left over from the cold days is burned in the blazing bonfires of the "fallas". This Fiesta dates from the Middle Ages, but it did not acquire the personality we know today until the middle of the last century. The festivity represents the triumph of popular art, since its 'falla' monuments and its 'ninot' figures unmistakeably reflect the happy and satirical Valencian spirit. Among the most important acts which are the delight of the visitors and local inhabitants for two weeks are the 'crida' and major of the city; the 'Cabalgata del Ninot' (the Ninot procession), the lovely night-time parade which is made up of various 'falla' committees; the 'Cabalgata del reino' (Procession of the Kingdom) in which various towns of the old Kingdom of Valencia take part, putting on show their own typical folklore and local produce; the offerings of flowers made by the 'falleras' to 'Nuestra Senora de los Desamparados" (Our Lady of the Forsaken),Patroness of the city; and above all, the famous 'Nit del Foc" (Night of the Fire) which is held place. This is when all the 'fallas' (grotesque and humorous scenes made up of carboard figures) are set on fire providing a fascinating spectacle. The " Fallas " is the feast that take place 15 at 19 of March in Valencia, Sagunto, Burriana, and other valencian towns every year. It is declared of TOURIST NATIONAL interest.They are built in wooden and modeling and colored cartoon and they measure 26 foot between 59 foot In the city of Valencia, they are planted or they put 365 of these MONUMENTS the day 15 of March and they burn ALL the day 19 of March of every year. The monuments cost the smallest between $3.800 (500.000 pts.) , until $153.000 (20.000.000 pts) the of special section. The 'Fallas' of Burriana (Castellon), only 55 km from Valencia, are very popular, too. Most of the famous artists who create these monuments were born in this village, which has a popular Museum of the 'Fallas'.
See: http://web.bemarnet.es/fallas96/
Have you heard of this festival? Can you send me info if so thanks andrea
See: http://web.bemarnet.es/fallas96/
Private Self catering apartments and villas around San Antonio and the bay on Ibiza.
See: http://www.ibizaproperties.net
The series of rituals which were followed on this, the shortest night of the year, when light triumphs over darkness, have been studied in mninute detail in the work of Baroja. In these rituals, the essential features are the sun, fire and water.
Around the feast of San Juan the streets are often decorated with branches and leaves, above all the balconies of young girls in love, who are serenaded; people put their heads into the irrigation ditches, pines and poplars are planted, pilgrimages ('romerias') are undertaken, straw effiges are burnt, the herb thyme is blessed and 'sanjuanera' songs are sung.
See: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1748/home.html
The series of rituals which were followed on this, the shortest night of the year, when light triumphs over darkness, have been studied in mninute detail in the work of Baroja. In these rituals, the essential features are the sun, fire and water.
Around the feast of San Juan the streets are often decorated with branches and leaves, above all the balconies of young girls in love, who are serenaded; people put their heads into the irrigation ditches, pines and poplars are planted, pilgrimages ('romerias') are undertaken, straw effiges are burnt, the herb thyme is blessed and 'sanjuanera' songs are sung.
See: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1748/home.html
The series of rituals which were followed on this, the shortest night of the year, when light triumphs over darkness, have been studied in mninute detail in the work of Baroja. In these rituals, the essential features are the sun, fire and water.
Around the feast of San Juan the streets are often decorated with branches and leaves, above all the balconies of young girls in love, who are serenaded; people put their heads into the irrigation ditches, pines and poplars are planted, pilgrimages ('romerias') are undertaken, straw effiges are burnt, the herb thyme is blessed and 'sanjuanera' songs are sung.
See: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1748/home.html
In Spain there are Shrovetide or better, Carnival festivities noteworthy for their brillance and spectacularity such as Cadiz, with its choruses, fancy-dress processions, jokes, disguises and float parades.
In the face of those theories which bestow an outright pagan character upon Shrovetide, tracing its entimology back to the "currus nevalis" who used to take part in the Roman Isis Feast, the studies carried out by Julio Caro Baroja led him to the conclusion that "Shrovetide" (Spanish Carnival) was, whether people like it or not, the offspring (albeit a "prodigal son") of Christianity. To be exact, in the abscence of the concept of Lent it would not exist as it has done since the dark and distant European Middle Ages.
See: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1748/home.html
40 days before easter venezuelans celebrate the most colorful festival nationwide. carnaval is usually a four-day festivity, including a monday and a tuesday, where most people have all the days off and children are in break from school. Although children dress up in costumes, adults are actually the true carnaval celebrators. nationwide most people head to beach towns and villages in search of sun and joyous fiestas. The most authentic caranval celebration is in Carupano, the beach city on venezuela's eastern coast. a parade is common to the celebration. Revelers wear over-sized "papier-mache" masks, and march through the streets dressed as giant plumed birds, spanish characters from teh conquest, monsters, and even polititcians. They parade through carupano acting out regional legends and participate in folk adn salsa music dancing. For days of non-stop celebration, brands play in teh open air while townspeople and tourists share their partying enthusiasm by dancing as long as their bodies will allow them; enjoying as well, the freedom and contagious feeling of the fiesta. Intrinsic to the dancing is rum and liquor, these liquids ignite peoples' engergy and boost their spirits as they embark on the celebrations.
See: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1748/home.html
Annual fiesta in which 100's of gigantic sculptures are commissioned by townspeople denoting various individuals. This celebration brings many tourists for the festivities & fireworks. Each sculpture is viewed by a panel of judges & only 1 is chosen each year to go to the Museo de Fallero. The rest are set on fire at midnight when the celebration begins.
See: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1748/home.html
Official Web of the Concello de Friol (Lugo, Galicia). Ample information on its tourist resources and their prestigious Fair of the Cheese.
See: http://lugonet.com/friol
Official Web of the Concello de Friol (Lugo, Galicia). Ample information on its tourist resources and their prestigious Fair of the Cheese.
See: http://lugonet.com/friol
One inherited tradition is to have 6th January as the Epiphany (or 'Day of the three Kings' as it is known in spanish or the 'The Wise Men in english). Celebrations take two fundamental forms: one, more ancient, which is the Play of the three Magi (known under various similar names in spanish) and another, relatively recent, which is the mounted procession.
Plays are currently staged specially in Aledo and Churra in Murcia and Canada (Alicante), Sanguesa (Navarra), Santillana del Mar (Cantabria) or Viso de los Pedroches (Cordoba), this latter one taking place once every four years.
At the whole country the Day of the Three Kings, Los reyes Magos, and since it is they on their camels, rather than Santa Claus drawn by reindeer, who distribute presents to children, the night of the 5th is a time of tremendous excitement. The Kings and their retinue, in full regalia and often accompanied by local public figures, from part of the extravagant 'processions' of floats, bands and dancers through the major towns and cities. The processions, as it was stated above, are a realtively recent phenomenon - Seville's, the oldest, dates back only as far as 1916 - but they are very popular. Much older, as it was also stated above, are the Plays featuring the Three Kings performed in Aledo and Churra in Murcia and other places in Spain, mainly Santillana del Mar (Cantabria) and Sanguesa (Navarra).
See: http://lugonet.com/friol
In St.Jordi's day all Catalonia is full of books and roses.Is tradition that every man should give to her girl a rose, and the girl give back one book.You can find this days a lot of books and roses on the streets.The authors are normally signin their books on the street and you can talk with them.Is the day of the book all over the world, but in Catalonia is one of the most beautiful days along the year.
See: http://lugonet.com/friol
This a combination of a religious-historic-folklorik fiesta. The main day is the 2-may, with a racing horses from the town up to the casttle. The hoses are in a very rich dressed in gold and stons, and have around them a people-team with music playing around the town in the moornig before the racing. Other days it is a Mors-Cristian parade and battle.
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
This a combination of a religious-historic-folklorik fiesta. The main day is the 2-may, with a racing horses from the town up to the casttle. The hoses are in a very rich dressed in gold and stons, and have around them a people-team with music playing around the town in the moornig before the racing. Other days it is a Mors-Cristian parade and battle.
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
This party is banging. Free beer and wine for all. Hot girls!! Topless!!!
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
This party is banging. Free beer and wine for all. Hot girls!! Topless!!!
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
The nun Juliana of Liege used to have a strange vision every time she began to pray, which had been happening since her youth, in which a full moon appeared with its center darkened by shadow. Finally it was Jesus Christ himself who told her of the significance of the vision which had become an obsession for Juliana: the bright circle signified all liturgical celebrations and these were only darkened by the absence of a feast day dedicated to the exaltation of the actual presence of Christ in the eucharist, which at that time was questioned by several sectors of the Church. Official recognition of the feast day was questioned by several sectors of the Church. Official recognition of the feast day was given in 1246 in a synod called by Roberto de Torote, bishop of Liege. Urbano IV (who had been Archdeacon of Liege cathedral issued a Papal Bull in 1263 in which he decreed that the date of the feast of Corpus Christi would be the Thursday following the eighth day of Whitsuntide. Finally, in 1317, John XXII ordered that the Body of Christ should be part of a solemn, public procession and from this time on the feast of Corpus Christi became more widespread and popular.
The new feast day arrived in Spain sometime during the 14th century, but it is difficult to establish the order of events with regard to this, although it would seem that Gerona and Barcelona were the first really to accept it, followed by Toledo, Valencia, Lerida and Seville.
In the procession, the main feature is the Host, and this takes precedence over everything else, being housed in magnificent masterpieces of silverwork which were fashioned by the Arte family, father, son and grandson (all of whom worked in Spain), in the case of the processions which take place in Toledo.
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
Los Caballos de las Fiestas de Ciutadella en Menorca son famosos y espectaculares. pasan al Jaleo dos o tres veces durante las fiestas en que se agrupa un mogollón de gente en la Ciudad y hay Misa en la Catedral. La bebida típica es la Pomada hecha de gin mahones y limonada Kas.
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
Three "virgins" (MONDIDAS) are chosen in town to be carried over the fire on the noche de San Juan.
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
The traditional runnig of the bull has been held in Coria for hundreds of years. It's a unique experience, where fun, excitement, danger, and some other emotions are combined.'
' The running of the bulls ends up in the bullring, where the bull will be kept for half an hour. After that time the bull will be set free throughout the streets of the old city, where, while having fun with your friends, you might encounter the bull.'
' * The running of the bulls is held in Coria every year.'
' Invite all your friends to come and have a very good time !! You won't regret.'
' VIVA SAN JUAN '98 !!! de parte de ROTRIMAR.
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
The traditional runnig of the bull has been held in Coria for hundreds of years. It's a unique experience, where fun, excitement, danger, and some other emotions are combined.'
' The running of the bulls ends up in the bullring, where the bull will be kept for half an hour. After that time the bull will be set free throughout the streets of the old city, where, while having fun with your friends, you might encounter the bull.'
' * The running of the bulls is held in Coria every year.'
' Invite all your friends to come and have a very good time !! You won't regret.'
' VIVA SAN JUAN '98 !!! de parte de ROTRIMAR.
See: caravaca.org (irs a new one in construction)
every 1st & 3rd friday downtown hollywood we have music through out the whole downtown area and people shop dine and visit cafes in area
See: empanadaonly.com
See: www.riveira.net/festadadorna
This is a Festival of Music, which begun at this beautiful seaside resort, some decades ago. The beauty of the scenary and the harmony and melody of the music and song, many linked by a mysterious magic, to the Caribean, makes unique this Festival of music, art and gorgeous gatherings.
See: [email protected]
The last week of August. Starts with a canival and the last weekend of the fiesta offers free wine in all the plazas with monuments that are burned on the last night like the fiesta in Valencia. We lived in the town years ago and understand that the fiesta is still held each year.
See: [email protected]
Fiestas en honor a la Virgen de Nieva de Peralta (Navarra) donde se disfruta de nueve intensos dias con toros, musica, comida y bebida sin descanso.
See: http://www.paisvirtual.com/gente/diversion/victor/fiestas.htm
Fiestas Patronales
See: http://usuarios.tripod.es/villamayor2000/
It is the celebrations in honour of its patron saint, the Feria de San Isidro, a classic example of a once flagging fiesta succesfully resucitated. It is in honur of the Sain that was an agricultural man, working on the fields, and while he was praying the cattle used to work for him....into this traditions the festivities gather arround many activities, specially in La Pradera de San Isidro, in the outskirts of Madrid, once beautifully painted by Goya
Is a whole season of Fiestas, that goes more or less, around the whole month of May, or at least two long weeks, with season festivals of drama, music and open-air events that has grown up arround. One of the most notable season in the bulfights period are held around the Fiestas de San Isidro.
See: http://usuarios.tripod.es/villamayor2000/
It lasts between 3 to 5 days, depending on the year, and always includes November, 1st, which is All Saints Day in Spanish calendar. And that's what gives the name to this very old fair, established in 1346 (yes, more than 650 years). It consists in a market with the usual things for these occasions: fairground attractions, market-stalls, street attractions... but there are also medieval and moorish markets, made in the style of centuries ago. In recent years, up to half a million people have visited over the 3 to 5 days. And that for a town with only less than 11.000 inhabitants...
See: http://usuarios.tripod.es/villamayor2000/
Mike's Birthday
See: www.mikesbirthday.com
It always starts the friday before the second saturday of August (I know, complicated), which varies the month day from year to year. Check it on the calendar. Friday night is the long night, with music parades and the traditional supper "Olleta". When the Friday night party is still on, at the sunrise, starts the first parade called "Diana". The same Saturday afternoon (7pm), after resting for a while, starts the biggest fiestas parade called "Entreda". Don't miss this and bring your camera. Sunday stats also with a "Diana", but a bit later (8am). During afternoon, the religious procession. That night, the "Retreta", a parade with a lot of humor and a more carnavalesc style. Monday, last day. The day of the battle. During the day takes place a simbolic representation of the conquer and reconquer of this spanish land by Moors and Crisitians. A lot of noise and gunpowder because of the shooting with the "Trabucs", traditional guns. Come and enjoy. The town has a limited hotel offer, but we are not far from very turistic areas.
See: www.mikesbirthday.com
It's a crazy party where do you go out the hold night and during the morning of the next day people through water to the street from their homes.
See: www.mikesbirthday.com
A celebration of the birth of Julietta Googalia, the patron of the society of moon aliens. Bring a gift along
See: www.mikesbirthday.com