If you live in the National Capital's Region and you need additional information about the contents of this chapter, please write or call:
CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY OF SPAIN 74, Stanley Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1P4 Tel.: (613) 747-2252 Fax: (613) 744-1224
If you live in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories or Nunavut, you should write or call:
CONSULADO GENERAL DE ESPAÑA EN TORONTO Simcoe Place 200 Front St., Ste. 2401 Toronto, ON M5V 3K2 Tel: (416) 977-1661 Fax: (416) 593-4949
If you live in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland, you should write or call to,
CONSULADO GENERAL DE ESPAÑA EN MONTREAL 1 Westmount Square, Apt. 1456 Wood Avenue, Montreal, Quebec. H3Z 2P9 Phone Number (514) 935 5235 Fax (514) 935 4655
If you need information about tourism in Spain, please write or call:
OFICINA NACIONAL ESPAÑOLA DE TURISMO 2 Bloor Steet West 34 Floor Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2 Phone Number (416) 961 3131 Fax (416) 961 1992
Thank-you, very much.