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The Model of Social Protection.

The reforms of the social security system have created a model of protection according to which all Spaniards are guaranteed health care and access to Social Services and protection Benefits for the family and by which pensions are structured on the three following levels:

  1. the first level of non contributive attention is for those citizens over 65 years of age or disabled people who are not covered at the contributive level.
  2. a second level of contributions is that in which pensions depend on previous contributions to the social security system.
  3. and the third level is of a voluntary character, in which workers freely deposit their savings in pension plans and which may complement the pensions that they receive from the public system.

The coverage scheme of the Spanish social security system on a contributive level is offered to those who are wage-earning employees in the different sectors of economic activity, to both the full employed and the seasonally contracted, to the self-employed, whether or not they are the owners of family or individual businesses, member of workers' cooperatives, domestic employees, students and both military and civil servants.

This protection is extended to Spanish citizens who normally reside and work, study, etc. in Spanish territory, and also to non-resident Spaniards or foreigners with legal residence in the country, if approved. Protection also covers the family of the insured person, pensioners and those who receive temporary financial assistance, those temporarily out of work who nevertheless have medical leave and those who have retired from their field of work but who have a special arrangement with their employer.

On a non-contributive level, Social Security protection is extended to all Spanish citizens living in Spanish territory.
