The extension and reinforcement of associations responsible for the development of social welfare policies, that incorporate all the voluntary potential and solidarity of the population have achieved, with the creation of the programme "other goals of social interest", a new dimension.
The Programme of 0.52% of the Impuesto de la Renta sobre las Personas Fisicas (Income Tax), was launched in 1989, and since then the number of organizations and programmes have increased as have the financial resources granted and the number of organizations receiving these resources.
The coordination of non-governmental organizations (consultive committee of 17 organizations) with the Autonomous Communities and City Councils (Sectorial Conference of Social Affairs), is allowing the non-governmental organizations to devote their efforts to undertakings that are complementary to those of the public powers and to developed infrastructures and resources without creating parallel networks.
The support of tutelary entities (Fundacion ONCE -National Organization for Blind People-, Spanish Red Cross, etc.) and the social promotions of foundations (Law for Foundations and Patronage) are instilling the social fabric, public participation, volunteerism and solidarity, with a greater vitality, by stimulating private initiative in the development of social policies evolved by the public administrations.
------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONS, PROGRAMMES AND RESOURCES ------------------------------------------------------- YEAR NUMBER OF NUMBER OF RESOURCES ORGANIZATIONS PROGRAMMES IN PESETAS ======================================================= 1989 37 54 7,625,517,568 ------------------------------------------------------- 1990 81 161 7,038,240,000 ------------------------------------------------------- 1991 129 309 8,527,419,161 ------------------------------------------------------- 1992 174 351 9,431,312,478 ======================================================= Source: Ministry of Social Affairs -------------------------------------------------------