===================================================================== Spain's Scientific and Technological Cooperation within the framework of European agencies, Noteworthy Programmes and Installations of a multilateral type: --------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROPEAN AGENCIES, SPANISH (%) NOTEWORTHY PROGRAMMES OR INSTALATIONS PARTICIPATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the EC and third countries (COST) 5.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) 7.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- European Space Agency (ESA) 4.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) 4.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- International Centre of Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) 19.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- EUREKA Programme 22.0 * --------------------------------------------------------------------- European Installation of Synchrotron Radiation (ESRF) 4.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Max von Laue - Paul Langevin Institute (ILL) 1.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Oceanic Drilling Programme (ODP) 4.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Airbus Programme 4.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- LEST Project (Solar Telescope) 14.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canary Islands' International Astrophisical Complex 20.0 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------- European Scientific Foundation (ESF) 5.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- European Organization of Molecular Biology (EMBO) 5.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(Source: Interministerial Committee of Science and Technology)
Since Spain's accession to the European Community in 1986, the Spanish scientific and technological system has been incorporated into the European one, which also initiated a new phase with the establishment of the European Single Act in July, 1987. In the context, the Interministerial Committee of Science and Technology is responsible for the coordination and follow-up of Spain's participation in the international R+D programmes.
Spain has defines its scientific and technological priorities focusing on not only its domestic needs but also the Community's ones, which have been reflected in the successive Programmes of the framework policy. Therefore Spanish scientific and technological policy has promoted and strenghtened the participation of public and private research agencies in the Community's programmes, in close coordination with the activities of the National R+D Programme.
The E.C. adopted on April 23, 1990, by means of a Council of Ministers Decision, the III Framework Programme (1990-1994), earmarking for it an estimated total of 5,700 million ECUs (to this amount must be added the remaining 3,125 belonging to the II Framework Programme which it will overlap during 1990-1992).
The Spanish position regarding the definition of III Framework Programme was geared to promote the concentration of resources in the precompetitive sphere. While both discussing and approving the Programme, Spain gave priority to Technological and Industrial and Material orientation. Spain has also supported the inclusion in the III Framework Programme of a Human Capital and Mobility orientation, which should control the Community's Scientific Policy.
The results of the participation in these Framework Programmes vary considerably from one Programme to another, resulting in an average of 15%; to this figure of economic returns we must add other intangible benefits, such as the adquisition of the other European members' know-how or the colaboration of Spanish groups with other high-level European ones in Programmes of a distinctly industrial character.
In addition to participating in the Community's R+D activities, the nation also helps support a series of international scientific centres, organizations and programmes among which we should mention the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Laboratory of Molecular Biology, the European Source of Synchroton Radiation (ESRF), and the European Scientific Foundation (ESF).
Other programmes in which Spain actively participates are the EUREKA Programme, the European Space Agency (ESA), etc., which have more technologicial aims or receive interchanges in the form of contracts. These are supervised by the Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI) which assures the satisfactory participation of companies.
On the international front, we should underscore Spain's participation in the Scientific and Technological Programme for the Development (CYTED- D), an important instrument of scientrific-technical cooperation for the Hispanic World in which 19 Latin American countries plus Spain and Portugal are engaged, that is maintaining 15 research projects and employs 4,000 scientists from Latin America. It should be emphasized that the benefits this programme is producing for the Hispanic Community well exceed the scientific-technical results of the projects.
This brief perspective is intended to give an idea of the present situation of the Spanish scientific and technological system and of the measures taken to develop Spain's scientific policy, and adapt it to the on-going process of society and science -by means of a series of different actions aimed at both stimulating basic non-directed quality research and technological development applied to industry and to its European investigation.