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Reader's Information Survey

In order to ensure that we are providing information appropriate to your needs, we would sincerely appreciate you taking a few moments to fill out the following form.

The information you supply will be used by the Project co-ordinators only to help refine the contents of "Sí, Spain".



E-Mail Address:  

Mailing Address:  
        Country: Postal Code: 


Main Interests? 
   Presentation                        Presentación
   Geography, Population and Society   Geografía, Población y sociedad
   History                             Historia
   Language and Culture                Lengua y Cultura
   Politics                            Política
   Foreign Affairs                     Relaciones Exteriores
   Economy                             Economía
   Infrastructure and Environment      Infraestructura y Medio Ambiente
   Health, Social Services             Sanidad y Servicios Sociales
   Education, Science and Technology   Educación, Ciencia y Technología
   The Media                           Medios de Comunicación
   Travelling to Spain                 Información para Viajeros
   Spanish Course in Internet          Curso de Español en Internet
   Other Web Sites in or about Spain   Otras Páginas sobre España
   For Spanish Citizens Abroad         Guía para españoles en el extranjero
   Contributions to "Sí, Spain"        Contribuciones a "Sí, España"


