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Politics: Introduction.

The principal feature of Spain's constitutional history has been its extreme instability. Throughout the 19th century and up to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936, Spain has seven constitutions and a number of projetcs and partial reforms which were never enacted. This insecurity, only comparable within Europe to that experienced by France, had its direct roots in the convulsive political history of contemporary Spain. It has been said that, during decades, the Spanish Constitution was a weapon, at times not merely dialectic, wielded by the conservatives or the champions of progress, rather than being used as an instrument of agreement and national integration.

This was foreseeable, given that political competence was established among various forces defending diametrically opposed postitions with respect to several fundamental aspects of the political system.

If you need additional information about the topics of this Chapter, please write or call to:

   350 Sparks Street, Suite 802
   Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7S8
   Phone Number 613. 237 2193
   Fax 613. 236 9246

These are the topics of this chapter:

  1. The Constitution.

    1.1. The Spanish Constitutional Process.

  2. The Constitutional Court.

    2.1. Composition of the Constitutional Court.

  3. The Royal Household.

    3.1 His Majesty the King.

    3.2 Her Majesty the Queen.

    3.3 H.R.H. The Crown Prince Felipe de Borbon.

    3.4 H.R.H. Infanta Elena.

    3.5 H.R.H. Infanta Cristina.

  4. Form of Government.
  5. Composition of the Government.
  6. Elections in Spain since the accession to the Throne of H.M. the King in 1976.
  7. Political Parties.
  8. Political Parties and Coalitions represented in Parliament.
  9. Trade Unions.
  10. Autunomous Communities.

If you are interested in any particular political party or trade union, you can write or call to the addresses and phone numbers in Spain given in their sections. National and Provincial Phone Codes are the following:

   National Phone Code is 34
   Provincial Phone Codes are the following
   ALAVA                    45
   ALBACETE                 67
   ALICANTE                 65
   ALMERIA                  51
   AVILA                    18
   BADAJOZ                  24
   BALEARES                 71
   BARCELONA                 3
   BURGOS                   47
   CACERES                  27
   CADIZ                    56 
   CASTELLON                64
   CEUTA                    56
   CIUDAD REAL              26
   CORDOBA                  57
   CORUNA, LA               81
   CUENCA                   66
   GERONA                   72
   GRANADA                  58
   GUADALAJARA              11
   GUIPUZCOA                43
   HUELVA                   55
   HUESCA                   74
   JAEN                     53
   LEON                     87
   LERIDA                   73
   LOGRONO                  41
   LUGO                     82
   MADRID                    1
   MALAGA                   52
   MELILLA                  52
   MURCIA                   68
   NAVARRA                  48
   ORENSE                   88
   OVIEDO                   85
   PALENCIA                 88
   PALMAS, LAS              28
   PONTEVEDRA               86
   SALAMANCA                23
   SANTANDER                42
   SEGOVIA                  11
   SEVILLA                  54
   SORIA                    75
   TARRAGONA                77
   TERUEL                   74
   TOLEDO                   25
   VALENCIA                  6
   VALLADOLID               83
   VIZCAYA                   4
   ZAMORA                   88
   ZARAGOZA                 76

Thank-you, very much.
