This is a list of the Spanish political parties that have created a Web site in Internet for the promotion of their programs. The legal regulation of the parties is governed by the Ley de los Partidos Políticos of 1982, in which the liberty to create parties is defined, as well as several criteria on their democratic character.At the moment, no political party has been suspended or dissolved by judicial authority. The law also spells out the bases for the public financing of the parties. The basic criterion is parliamentary representation.
Today, around 500 parties are formally registered, but only twenty have the minimum organizational capacity and even fewer have any significant national or regional parliamentary representation.
Partido Socialista Obrero Español
Partido Popular
Izquierda Unida
Convergència i Unió
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
Iniciativa per Catalunya. Els Verds
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya
Partit Humanista de Catalunya
Unió Centrista
Democracia Nacional
Falange Española de las JONS.
CTV: Página principal.
Convergència a Internet.
Convergència a Internet.
Benvinguts a la Web Oficial d'Unio Valenciana.