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The Magazine Market

Within the press, the most important area is the magazine publication. In 1994, the Oficina de Justificación de la Difusión (OJD, Circulation Audit Office), the body that controls Spanish magazine sales, registered close to 400 magazines.

In both cases, newspapers and magazines, some of the problems of these publications are produced by infrastructural deficiencies, one of the most serious being their distribution. Such distribution problems have generated specific customs among their readers, and practically all sales are made directly through kiosks (structures used as news stands on sidewalks in Spanish towns) , without having developed the habit of subscription, which is almost inexistent. This fact creates important variations in the market. Magazines suffer from great oscillations in their circulation, depending, in great mesure, to the success of each issue to conquer the interest of the reader at the moment of purchase, based, to a certain extent, on its cover.

All these features are especially decisive for general information magazines and give rise to their constant struggle to survive in the middle of so much competition.

You may access from here to the following Spanish magazines with a Web site in Internet:

If you are professionally interested in all Spanish magazines, you can ask for the 1996 Directory, Agenda de la Comunicación 1996, to:

    Ángela Santamaría Barceló
    Secretaría General del Portavoz del Gobierno
    Complejo de la Moncloa
    28071 MADRID
    Phone Number: 34 1 321 40 78
    Fax: 34 1 321 40 30
         34 1 321 40 50

If you are interested in Spanish cultural magazines, you can write or call to:

    Asociación de Revistas Culturales de España
    Hortaleza, 75
    28004 MADRID
    Phone Number: 34 1 308 60 66
    Fax: 34 1 319 92 67

Thank-you, very much.
