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Spanish Culture Today.

The Ministry of Culture today channels a good part of its public funds to the world of culture although there are other ministries such as Education and Foreign Affairs that also collaborate. The basic concern of the new cultural policies of democracy consists in respecting the creator's liberty after decades of official interference. At the same time, the Ministry has tried to respond to and stimulate the strong cultural demand of Spanish society and to gradually remedy the dearth of cultural infrastructure.

The Ministry of Culture has published a cultural guide, 'Guia de los Servicios Culturales', in which you can find a list of all Spanish cultural institutions, with additional information about the main tasks off all Spanish cultural authorities. If you need additional information about cultural policy, you can ask for the above-mentioned guide to:

    Secretaria General Tecnica
    'Guia de Servicios Culturales'
    Abdon Terradas, 7
    28015 MADRID
    Phone:  (1) 544 90 33
            (1) 543 93 66

    or to:

    Plaza del Rey, 1
    28004 MADRID
    Phone: (1) 532 12 22
           (1) 532 50 89

Thank-you, very much.
