RETEVISION is the public entity in Spain responsible for operating the public telecommunications system and the transmission of radio and television signals.
1992 was a year full of challenges for RETEVISION, all of which were satisfactorily met. This public entity is entrusted with the exclusive management and operation of the public network for telecommunications and broadcasting of radio and television signals throughout the entire country. The extension of this television coverage, the events of '92 (RETEVISION transmitted the images of Barcelona's Olympic Games to the whole world, from Catatrava Tower in Barcelona) and the launching of the Hispasat emission are, doubtlessly, the most important facts.
Every day, RETEVISION brings its signals for public and private television channels to household receptors, through a complete network of telecommunications, with more than 1,200 installations distributed all over Spain.
Its network transports and disseminates the signals of public and private television channels and it is also the entity entrusted to carry out the National Technical Plan for Private Television in effect since 1989, designed by the Spanish government to bring private TV channels to 80% of the Spanish population within six years time.
Only three years later, RETEVISION had inaugurated more than 200 centres of emission which diffuse a new audiovisual offer whose channels reached in December, 1992, 29.5 million inhabitants, a figure very close to the 80% of the population aimed at by the Plan.
Throughout 1992, it actively participated in the TV coverage of the great international events taking place in our country: the Universal EXPO Seville and the Olympic Games in Barcelona.
Having achieved the proposals set out by the National Technical Plan of Private Television two years ahead of the legally established deadline, RETEVISION now aims at bringing television to the entire country as a public service, a goal of the Plan Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (PNT, National Plan of Telecommunicacions) which would mean that somewhere around the year 2002, 100% of the population would be covered by public television and 98% by private TV.
With this purpose in mind RETEVISION has designed a Plan of Integral Coverage, the first phase of which was signed on April 18, 1994 with the three concessionaires of private channels (Antena 3, Telecinco and Canal Plus). This entails installing 1,054 transmission centers during the period 1994-1996. In order to put this into effect, the Public Television Entity projects huge investments, using its own funds in addition to obtaining other funding, given the Plan's low profitability owing to the exiguous population in the areas affected.
In addition to tackling the above Plan, coverage has been extended, and in 1994, among other actions, 93 new services for each one of the three private channels, 71 for TVE-1, 70 for TVE- 2 and 5 for the channels of the Autonomous Communities have been installed, meaning that by Dec. 31, 1994, the private channels (much more recent than public TV) were reaching some 81% of the population and public TV coverage varied between 93 and 99%.
In 1993 Television via satellite's trial transmissions were initiated using the HISPASAT satellite.
1994 was the year during which these broadcasts were consolidated thanks to this satellite system. RETEVISION has been equipped to offer this new service owing to the acquisition of fixed ground and mobile networks for sending signals, in addition to the use of the spacial capacity of the Satellite System (HISPASAT 1A and 1B), to which twelve transponders are leased and offer the following services:
It is necessary to underscore the increase in the number of radio stations using RETEVISION's services. Particularly, during 1994, nine new radio stations began using the transmission services of this Entity with 13 new services. We should also mention that the distribution of Radio Via Satellite signals has been initiated.
During 1994, with the exception of some wires that are still being implemented, the Wide Band Digital Network of 140 Mbits, which transports all types of signals, became practically entirely operational.
The capacity of this Network and the liberalization process involving utilities established within the European Union, boasts new perspectives for the distribution of all kind of services.
Specifically in 1994, besides acting as a carrier service for Radiobúsqueda (search) and Control of the multiple accesses to mobile service of ground radio communication (Trunking), it has been authorized by the Administration to supply carrier services to the Telefonía Móvil Automática. At the time, bearing in mind the liberalization of Telecommunications, the necessary processes have been carried out for supplying services for the Rental of Circuits.
These activities are designed to identify RETEVISION as a Telecommunications Operator without relinquishing its main function as an Operator of Television and Radio Signals. In this fashion it benefits the liberalization process under way, as the Network's infrastructure allows it to accelerate the introduction of the services of new suppliers that are being authorized.
The income derived in 1993 from supplying services ascended to 30,092 million pesetas, which represents an increase of 4.6% over the preceeding financial year. Rates showed an average increment of 1.6%.
Throughout 1994, a policy of reducing expenditures and improving operational efficiency has been maintained, which means that the Gross Result of Exploitation will rise to 14,143.7 million pesetas, 10.7% more than during the 1993 financial year (it had shot up 24% with respect to 1992). These figures five an idea of the efforts that this public entity is making to enhance operational efficiency and to maintain rates below the cost-of- living index.
If you need more information about RETEVISION, please send a message to , Subdirector de Servicios de Contribución de RETEVISION, or write/call to:
Mr. Joan Oest Jefe de Área de Gestión de Sistemas por Stélite. Paseo de la Castellana, 83 28046 MADRID Spain Phone Number: 34 1 597-0986
Thank-you, very much.