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The Spanish system of communications via the satellite HISPASAT 1 has at its disposal two satellites located at 30° West, in a geostationary orbit.

The HISPASAT 1A satellite was successfully launched by the Ariane 4 spaceship, from the European Spane Base Kourou, in the Guyana, on September 10, 1992. Seventeen days after its launching, the first Spanish communications satellite reached its definite position of 30° West, in the geostationary orbit, 36,000 kms. from the Earth.

In the record time of 30 months the HISPASAT 1A was desgined, built and equipped, and in January 1993 it started its commercial operations, having an operative life of ten years. The HISPASAT 1A as a multimission satellite offers a wide range of services which complement those offered by the telecommunications networks existing in Spain.

The HISPASAT system includes five powerful television channels designed to be received through the entire country by a very tiny, economic individual aerials (between 40 and 75 cms. in diameter). These channels are exploited within the legal framework established by the new Law on satellite television links, approved in December, 1992, by the Spanish Parliament.

Moreover, this system offers two television channels which can be received in a good portion of North and South America, from New York to Buenos Aires, with aerials measuring between one and two meters high.

The fixed service includes 16 transponders of a medium-high average which will fundamentally be developed to two types of applications:

  1. To transmit radio and television signals: the use of HISPASAT to transmit television signals is today permitting RETEVISION to dispose of a flexible infrastructure which complements its ground network for the distribution of television signals.

  2. Telecommunication Networks: HISPASAT also facilitates the development of the infrastructure of the public telecommunications networks. It also undertakes the development of networks such as the VSAT Networks (business networks) which have had a spectacular development in the United States and are on the point of becoming very successful in Europe too.

HISPASAT 1B was launched in July, 1993 and entered into service in October, 1993.

HISPASAT is also an authentic communications bridge spanning between Europe and America, which offers TV and telecommunications services on both sides of the Atlantic.
