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The National Highway Network.

Roadways have been, together with maritime navigation, the oldest means of transportation in Spain. However, the present national highway system has been formed and developed this century in proportion to the increase in automobile traffic. Significant precedents can be found in the extensive Roman road network, the stone roadways made by the Arabs, much less developed, and the royal through fares, begun in the 18th century by the Bourbons. All of these networks have left their imprint on today's system.

The entirely of the Spanish road system has a total length of 325,333 km., of which 20,701 kms. are State roads, and 71,502 kms. Autonomous Communities' roads. The latter were really State roads until 1983 (national county and local roadways) when they were turned over to the Autonomous Communities. The rest of the network is made up of 64,660 kms. which are maintained by the Provincial and Island Councils, and 168,470 kms. belonging to the City Councils and different governmental agencies such as ICONA, the Ministry of Defence, Hydrographic Confederation, etc. The big lane highways (motorways with tolls, freeways and motorways) make up 5,103 kms.

The use of the Spanish motorways with tolls requires paying a toll, which can be calculated on the basis of the type of vehicle in question and the distance to be traveled. There are numerous petrol stations along the way and bars, restaurants and shopping centers.
