En el caso de que un residente en el extranjero traslade su domicilio a otro pais o demarcacion consular debera darse de alta en el Registro de Matricula correspondiente del Consulado de su nueva residencia.
The Spanish Health Care system has been shaped by all the public health structures and services, which are formed by the State Administration Health Care Services and those of the Autonomous Communities. Each Autonomous Community forms a Health Care Service integrated by all the centres, services and establishments of the Community, the Diputacion, the City Hall and other intercommunity Territorial Administrations.
The planning for each Community Health Care Service is based on geographical limits, the Health Care field and the basic structures of the health care system, which are responsible for the united management of the centres and establishments of the different Health Care Services of the Autonomous Communities within their territorial limits and for the health care services and the programmes developed by them
The principles determining the limitations of the different Health Care areas are geographic, socioeconomic, demographic, cultural and climatological factors; they also depend on existing transportation and communication facilities, as well as the area's health care installations, for each community of 200,000 to 250,000 inhabitants.
The distribution of responsibilities and functions among the different administrative branches is established by the Spanish Constitution, the General Health Care Law, the Local Government Law and the Autonomy Statutes. With respect to these basic norms, the resolutions of the Constitutional Court regarding the appeals made by the State or the Autonomous Governments with respect to conflicts of overlapping responsibilities must be added, which helps to define more clearly the responsibilities of each.
In general, the responsibilities of the Spanish Central Administration may be defined as basic, be they legislative, informative or having to do with planning and coordination; those of the Autonomous Communities cover norms for development, regional planning and programming, and the control and direct health management. Finally, the Local Governments are in charge of environmental health control.