En el caso de que un residente en el extranjero traslade su domicilio a otro pais o demarcacion consular debera darse de alta en el Registro de Matricula correspondiente del Consulado de su nueva residencia.
Health indicators for Spain are the best in the European Union.
Life expectancy at birth is the highest for men (73.1 years) and the second highest for women (79.6) years).
Life expectancy at 40 is 35.8 years for men (the highest) and 41.3 for women, the longest after France where it is 41.6 years.
The number of deaths from cancer (228.2 per 100,000 inhabitants among men and 118.1 pero 100,000 inhabitants among women) is the lowest in the European Union. Malignant tumours are the most frequent cause of death among those over 45 (Eurostat).
These figures show that the population is long-lived and basically healthy, reflecting factors such as the food, climate, way of life and age structure.
Spanish society has specific requirements in health care. Those who have a chronic condition because they are long-living have increased in number compared with those who have infectious diseases and those who undergo major surgery. That trend calls for changes in the treatment facilities available and in the way the system is organised.
Demand for sophisticated and very expensive treatments and methods of diagnosis is growning. Even though it is true that health is a priceless asset, it is also true that the cost of treatments is rising steadily.
In short, Spaniards' health is considerably better than that of their European neighbours, and Public Health has become one of the major targets of the new health policies. However, the fight against and control of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS, has given grounds for concern in view of the sharply ascending curve which has been recorded in Spain over the recent years and which placed it among the European Community countries with the largest number of cases in 1990 and the second highest AIDS index per million inhabitants (118.2), after France (158.3).