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Although Spain lies in the temperate zone, its rugged relief gives rise to a great diversity of climates.

The Cantabrian mountains mark the first well-defined climatological dividing zone. To the north of this range, i.e. in the narrow northern strip, where the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia are situated, lies what we may call rainy Spain, with a maritime climate par excellence, with only slight variations in temperature, mild winters and cool summers, an almost constantly cloudy sky and frequent rainfall, although less so during the summer. This climate, which is typical of western Europe, favours a northern European type of vegetation.

To the south of the Cantabrian range lies dry Spain, which has extremely varied climated, always characterized by scarce rainfall and a pitiless burning sun in an intensely blue sky, occasionally crossed by shortlived, fierce local thunderstorms.

In terms of surface area, rainy Spain accounts for about a third of the country, while the other two thirds make up dry Spain.
