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Peace and Security Policies

Defined By Spain Over the Past Few Years.

In October 1984, Felipe Gonzalez presented in the Congreso (Congress of Deputies), what would be called his ''Decalogue'' on peace and security policy, This proposal was intended to be the basis for the reestablisment of a consensus of all the parliamentary forces regarding national security and defence policy.

Its most important points were:

Thus, the definition of the national policy for peace and security was based on three aspects: the Atlantic Alliance (NATO); the Western European Union (WEU) and the bilateral defence relationship with the United States.

Please, ask for topics number 5, 6 and 7 of this Chapter number 7 if you need additinal information about the most important events of the last few years concerning Spanish-U.S. relations, Spanish participation in the NATO and Spain's incorporation the the WEU.

