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The 5th Latin American Summit Stresses the Renewed impetus of Relations Between Latin America and the European Union.

In their final Declaration, the Heads of State and Government of the 21 countries belonging to the Latin American Community of Nations, meeting in Bariloche (Argentina) in mid-October, considered it "very important" that Spain is holding the Presidency of the European Union at the present time, because in this way "renewed impetus is given to relations between Latin America and Europe". The leaders in attendance explained their projects on education - the central issue of the Summit - and its shortcomings on the sub-continent.

H.M. the King said that the encouragement of education is essential "to build more just societies with greater solidarity and a higher level of welfare. "The Spanish monarch said that we are "at a crucial stage" and added that "we have had occasion to see that our community is a space of growing co-opeations and an area ever more firmly rooted in democratic principles and the practice of sincere dialogue and solidarity".

The Spanish Prime Minister, Felipe González, stressed in his opening speech at the 5th Latin American Summit that Spain and Portugal are contributing "to Europe's growing sensitivity to Latin America, which is reflected in an increasingly effective relation of solidarity with Latin America." The head of the Spanish Executive also stated that democratic progress in matters such as the respect for human rights in Latin America calls for "a proportionate response from the EU in the shape of an intensification of relations, for our mutual benefit."

In its final declaration, the 5th Latin American Summit also deplored the nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean, condemned the embargo against Cuba and laid special emphasis on the need to tackle the problems of Latin America, with education as the basic element to promote development.

Latin America Strengthens its Unity

A summary of the Declaration of the 5th Latin American Summit at San Carlos de Bariloche.

Structured in three main sections - education, co-operation and matters of special interest - the Declaration of the 5th Latin American Summit is pleased to "note" the gradual strenghtening of these meetings "to put into practice the set of concepts and principles that constitute the Latin American Conference". In addition to ratifying their "firm commitment to democracy and human rights", the Latin American heads of State and Government appealed "to historical and cultural affinities" that may be regarded overall as "the basis of our common identity".

Education: The Motor of Development.

"The access of the population as a whole to the values, knowledge and capabilities which the educational system offers is an essential element to ensure the continuity and permanence of democratic institutions, political, economic, social and cultural participation, in particular for the least privileged groups and as part of the fight against poverty."

"Educational policies must be State policies, based on consensus and the participation of all the sectors of society, in order to guarantee access to education for all the population without any kind of distinction."

Integrated education is nowadays a decisive strategic resource for the possibilities of growth and full social participation and for a sustainied, balanced and equitable development of our countries."

"Education must be conceived as a responsibility of society as a whole, in which the institutional education system and the economic and social agents, the communications media and the various social organizations all take part."

"We believe that the Latin American cultural heritage and its means of expression - Castilian and Portuguese - are a common heritage of our nations, which it is essential to protect and promote in every sphere, especially in those bodies, agencies and international institutions where either of the two languages has official status."

"The priority objective of educational policies must be directed at creating quality conditions in Primary and Secondary Education, which must provide the knowledge, the techniques, the values and the aptitudes necessary for people to be able to live with dignity, attain the appropriate educational level to their personal characteristics and learn continually throughout their lifetime (...)

"We consider it important that there should be a closer link between the Universities and the Academic Centres of Higher Education in the Latin American countries, for the purpose of bringing their educational content as close together as possible."

Co-Operation Agreement.

"The co-operation programmes of the Summits are an instrument that promotes social progress and they are thus an important element in achieving a Latin American identity."

"The aims of the Co-Operation Programmes and Projects within the framework of the Latin American Conference will be to:

a)   Promote Latin American identity;(...)
b)   Strenghten participation of the member States;(...)
c)   Put into practice the concept of development and co-
     operation among the Latin American nations;
d)   Express Latin American solidarity towards common problems
     which affect all the member States individually or as a      
e)   Give an impetus to the formation of the Latin American co-
     operation area by means of mobility programmes and           
     educational, university and technological training           

Aspects of Special Interest.

"We reaffirm that democracy, respect for human rights and the basic liberties of human beings are essential values for nations".

"Convinced of the need to draft and implement concrete and wide-ranging strategies to fight corruption, we reiterate our commitment to adopt co-operation machinery to combat this criminal activity..."

"We ratify our firm commitment to continue with the struggle against the consumption, production and illegal trafficking of drugs, as well as related crimes."

"We reaffirm our condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and reiterate our commitment to fight jointly and firmly, through all legal means, this scourge which violates human rights."

"We deeply deplore all nuclear tests; in particular those carried out recently in the Pacific Ocean. Any test of this nature is a potential risk for health, security and the environment. We appeal to all States to stop these tests."

"We reject unilateral measures of coercion which affect the welfare of the Latin American peoples, preventing free exchange and transparent and universally recognized trade practices (...) At the present time we look with particular concern on the modifications of the regulations which are being discussed in the Congress of the United States, which run counter to these principles whose implementation we call for."

"We express our satisfaction at the holding of the First General Assembly of the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, and of the negotiating tables for the successive development projects."

"Considering the progress and successes which has marked the process of peace and reconciliation in Guatemala, we have decided to support the effort of its Government and we urge the parties to achieve a firm and lasting peace. We also urge the United States, the Group of Friendly Countries in favour of the peace process in Guatemala and in particular the Latin American community, to continue encouraging the speeding up of negotiations with a view to the reaching of a definitive peace agreement at the earliest possible moment."

"Within the Latin American Community, we shall promote reciprocally the dissemination of the Spanish language in Portuguese-speaking countries and of the Portuguese language in Spanish-speaking countries."

"Whenever previously assumed commitments permit, we shall support the candidature of Portugal as a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the United National for 1997-98."

"Whenever commitments already undertaken permit, we shall support the candidature of Madrid as the venue for the UN Convention on Biodiversity in the elections of November in Jakarta (Indonesia)."
