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Competitive Sports In Spain and the 1992 Olympics.

The development of sports at a primary level of education, with the help of the State and the Autonomous Communities, has resulted in a spectacular advance in competitive sports in Spain. Even the fact that the 1992 Olympics were held in Spain and the medals were won by Spaniards demonstrate the recognition of this new sports' potential and the support it has been given.

Spanish sports have produced such figures of international repute as Pedro Delgado and Miguel Indurain in cycling, Angel Niego in motorcycle racing, Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya in motor car rallies, the Sanchez Vicario family and Sergi Bruguera in tennis, Severiano Ballestero in golf, etc.

The enumeration would be incomplete if we failed to mention Spain's presence in the many international competitions. Athletism motor racing, basketball, handball, billards, cycling, aerial sports, winter sports, water skiiing, football, gymnastics, hoseback riding, karate, motorcycle racing, motor boat racing, jai alai, swimming, fishing, canoeing, rowing, tae-kwon-do, tennis, sailing, rifle shooting are some of the sports in which Spain stands out in the world championships.

In October 1990, the Sports Law was pased which defined the characteristics of professional and amateur sports and established a legal framework for professional clubs.

The Olympic games in Barcelona have been the best games in history. Juan Antonio Samaranch, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), repeated this delcration in the closing speech he gave in the Montjuic stadium.

The organization of Barcelona '92 was brilliant, it went off without a snag. Everything from Prince Felipe's appearance at the entrance of the Montjuic stadium, as standard bearer of the Spanish team, to the closing ceremony, in addition to the alliance of public and private initiative, the annual 3,000 million pesetas investment in athletes and the dedication of 500 of the country's best athletes in the ADO programme went to consolidate years of work which resulted in the success of the Games.

Spain won 22 medals and attained sixth place in the medal count. Thanks to athletes like Martin Lopez Zubero, Antonio Penalver, Jose Manuel Moreno, Miriam Blasco, Almudena Munoz. Daniel Plaza, the sailing teams, srchery, tennis, football and water polo players, the women's hockey team, and everyone else who was succesful, Spanish sports caught the world by surprise and enraptured Spaniards.

Some 36,000 volunteers were enthusiastically devoted to keeping the organization running smoothly, and the sports installations were filled to record capacity.
