A number of Spaniards, especially young ones, have gone from being mere spectators to practising one sport or more.
Spanish sports are administrated by the Secretary of State for Sports, a branch of the Ministry of Education and Science. Its director presides the Superior Council of Sports. The different National Federations which practice diverse sports depend on this Superior Council. Sports clubs are connected to the federations and at the present moment operate as independent companies.
A number of responsibilities involving sports matters has been transferred to the Autonomous Communities, which have their own sport Advisory Boards and General Directions that organize sports regionally. For sports to develop in Spain, Physical Education and Sports must be present at the primary level, for children and youth. Physical Education form part of the grade and high school study plan and both the Autonomous Communities and the city councils promote sports at this primary level by offering different sporting facilities. The agreement made by the Superior Council of Sports, the Autonomous Communities, town halls and the Secretary of State for Education has permitted the building of swimming pools in public schools and institutions for student use during school hours and to be enjoyed by the rest of the population at other times. Nearly 20,000 million pesetas have been earmarked for these works.